Our Mission

Money might not grow on trees, but our money helps protect trees. Trees in coffee producing countries that together form beautiful rainforest reserves. Rainforest reserves with exceptional biodiversity that now…

Crowned Solitary Eagle Reserve

This reserve honours the Gran Chaco, South America’s second largest forest, which sits just underneath the Amazon in terms of scale and value to the natural world. Acres Saved “Puro…

Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla Reserve

This reserve looks to protect the critically endangered Western Lowland Gorilla, whose scientific name is Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla, so special in nature they needed to say it three times. Acres…

Amazon River Dolphin Reserve

Standing alongside 7 of the 13 indigenous communities: Shuar, Achuar, Waorani, Shiwiar, Sapara, Andwa and Kichwa to bring benevolence for biodiversity. Acres Saved Watch our short film about our other…

White Collared Lemur Reserve

White Collared Lemur reserve Acres Saved “Puro support to the Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) in 2023 will help enable the purchase and restoration of 200 ha of degraded and unproductive…

Elephant Corridor Reserve

Elephant corridor reserve Acres Saved “Puro support to the Wild Tomorrow Fund in 2023 will help to secure a wildlife corridor between two large, protected areas on South Africa’s ‘Elephant…

Red Billed Toucan Reserve

Red-billed toucan reserve Acres Saved “Puro support to Amazonicos por la Amazonia Association (AMPA) in 2023 will enable the expansion of Peru’s Bajo Huallaga Conservation Concession through land purchase and,…

Chimp Corridor Reserve

Chimps swing safely through, conscious the corridor connects rift reserves rich in biodiversity. U-tzeu-U-tzee from up in the trees draws the Hippo’s eyes to the crimson belly of the papyrus…

Rondo Bushbaby Reserve

The Bushbaby stirs from its daybed in the trees, awoken by the explosive cries and dazzled by the firework plumed African pitta. The elusive Leopard prowls through the undergrowth below,…

Golden Elephant Shrew Reserve

The Lilac-breasted roller spots the Shrew from the sky, as it moves amongst the red earth below. The Clarke’s weaver is restless amongst the dense thickets, the African Elephant pushes…

Yellow Tailed Monkey Reserve

High up in the clouds, Woolly monkeys tell tales of their travels by tail, Tanagers cast rainbows in the sky and shadows in the river, slowly coursing towards the Amazon.…

Tandayapa Toad Reserve

Mottled copper and gold mark Toad’s back, mirroring metals mined, abundant nature made scarce. Magnolias paint floral arrays across the forest backdrop, purple doves blend in, Jaguars stand out, Spider…