Puro Coffee Farm Takeover

June has arrived, the farm has been fertilised, coffee flowers now cherries, birds singing, people smiling, high fives sounding… a new company steps forward.

An experiential journey from coffee site to source.

one farm, one company, one year, one lve

Creating the Finca Puro, becoming a Fairtrade Organic cooperative member, knowing beans from our farm would find their way into every bag of Puro Origen, it changed us… for the better. It’s a journey, an experience, a process guided by an extended family of amazing farmers we now call ourselves part of. What better than to share this with our clients around the world?

One by One we select a company in a different Puro country to become the custodian of our second coffee farm in Honduras (located here, about 1km as the crow flies from our first farm) for a year. Suyapa, coffee farm manager and Puro rainforest ranger, attends to the day to day running of the farm, sharing tasks and stories directly with the company. In January the company then joins them in Honduras to help pick and process the coffee. In June the profit from the sale of this green coffee is then allocated to a local conservation project chosen by the company.

October 2019 – June 2020

Company: Happy Tosti
Locations: 7 sites across the Netherlands.
What we love about them: Happy Tosti is a changemaker organisation, employing people with distance to the job market. Run by a young, dynamic and creative group that has served Puro coffee since 2017.

What we hope to achieve from this?

Social media was meant to bring us all closer together and yet it is increasingly showing itself to be divisive. The company will share these meaningful coffee stories across their social media channels, blog and with local journalists and media.
The world coffee market price has been below the Fairtrade minimum price level for a considerable amount of this, meaning many farmers are making losses not profits. This has got to change… when people understand more about the work involved in making their coffee our hope is that more will buy Fairtrade, committed to ensuring the farmers earn a living wage.
The coffee industry can be quite disloyal, switching around between different brands out of boredom, latest fashion or in search of a better price. We want to help create a more loyal industry, leading by example, becoming closer to our farmers and clients.
For more companies and individuals to experience this journey, this deeper connection and to witness the change within unfold for them too.
For both the land and the coffee farmers to be seen and recognised for their efforts, so full transparency now enabling full appreciation from the coffee consumer.

About the land

The land is approximately 6 acres in size; 3 acres of beautiful primary forest, 1.5 acres for the coffee farm, 1.5 acres which had been deforested for grain and maize cultivation and is being reforested with avocado trees. The profit from the sale of the coffee and avocados will be used to financially support more conservation activities in the area.